About the Ranch

Heritage Naked Beef

Silvies Award Winning Beef

American Range Goats

Silvies Own Unique Breed

Premium Blend Hay

Organic Hay Blends

Mission & Vision

"Caring for our environment, livestock, friends and families"

A profitable livestock ranching and guest operation with abundant, healthy wildlife that sets the standard for the nation in best ranching and environmental practices where associates stay for their lifetimes and guests return time after time.

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Silvies Valley Ranch

Even before the pioneers came to settle in the valley, explorers and trappers alike recognized the assets that this unique meadow landscape had to offer. Surrounded by ancient timber forests and fed by snow covered mountain peaks, the river valley was home to one of the most sought after commodities of the 1800’s – beaver. As trappers moved into the western territories, they too carved out a place in the valley’s history.

"Silvies" is the result of misspellings of the name of the first French trapper to enter the valley in the early 1830s. According to historical records, he was employed by the Hudson’s Bay Company which ultimately trapped over 200,000 beaver out of the Silvies Valley! Silvies Valley Ranch was homesteaded and the first water rights patented in 1883. Over the years, hardy pioneers and cowboys worked the meadows, valleys and surrounding mountains –many found the country too rugged and hard and moved on. One who came and stayed was John “Jack” Craddock who bought up many of the smaller places by the late ‘20s when the railroad was put through the valley. He was followed by his son Chet Craddock who put the ranch together much as it is today.

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Our Story

In the late 1800’s, many of the pioneer families settling in this part of the country found it too rugged and demanding, ultimately moving on. Those who stayed and made Silvies Valley their home left behind a diverse heritage that included a love for this rugged land and respect for its natural resources. Over the years that followed the 1950’s much of this heritage was lost and abandoned as the homesteads in the valley were bought and sold.

In 2007 the rocky history of ranch ownership came to an abrupt halt when Silvies Valley Ranch was purchased by Silvies Valley Ranch, L.L.C., a private company founded by the Campbell’s – a family with pioneer roots in Eastern Oregon even older than the ranch. In keeping with the ranch’s history and heritage, work on restoration of ranch lands and resources quickly returned Silvies to a productive working cattle ranch with premium hay cultivation. A rendition of one of the earliest ranch brands was adopted and recorded to help write this new chapter in the ranch’s long history of “returning home”.

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The Silvies Valley Ranch Scholarship fund was established to help students in Grant and Harney counties who’s goals are to further their education by removing some of the financial barriers to that education.

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Silvies Valley Ranch is dedicated to providing the best care we possibly can for our wildlife, livestock, environment and families. Silvies Valley Ranch will consider funding for local community projects only within Grant and Harney counties.

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Our internship program is designed to offer discovery and innovation through a wide range of learning objectives tailored to each student’s interests. Silvies Valley Ranch offers two distinct Internships opportunities available during the academic school year, based on OSU’s four quarter schedule.

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