The Silvies Valley Ranch Scholarship fund was established to help students in Grant and Harney counties who’s goals are to further their education by removing some of the financial barriers to that education.
The Silvies Valley Ranch Scholarship encourages continuing education beyond the high school level in all fields of study that will broaden the recipient’s abilities to improve their communities by concentrating on science, agriculture, wildlife, livestock and related ranching subjects. All scholarships are awarded on an objective and nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, age, religion, sexual orientation, or sex. Scholarships are awarded for one academic year only. Scholarship recipients may apply for a new scholarship each academic year, but may not receive scholarships for more than a total of four academic years. Scholarship grants for the current academic year will be awarded on or before June 1st of this year. Completed applications, including transcripts, test scores and letters of recommendation, must be received by the Scholarship Committee on or before the first day of April to be considered for a current scholarship grant for this academic year.
2021 Scholarship Recipients
2019 Scholarship Recipients
2018 Scholarship Recipients
2017 Scholarship Recipients
To be considered for a scholarship, you must:
- Be a graduate or about to graduate from high school or its equivalent and be enrolled, or be admitted to and about to enroll as an undergraduate, in an accredited college, junior college, university, trade or business school.
- Have attained a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.75 on a 4.0 scale (or its equivalent)
- Demonstrate sufficient academic ability to complete the courses of study necessary to graduate from the educational institution at which you are enrolled or about to enroll.
- Demonstrate the character and motivation to complete your education.
- Exhibit a desire to improve your community and environment by concentrating on science, agriculture, wildlife, livestock and other ranching related studies in some way.
- Demonstrate that you have an ongoing interest in science, agriculture, wildlife and livestock that relate to ranching in some way (examples: 4-H, Future Farmers of America, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and other youth-centered group projects that focus on science, agriculture, wildlife and livestock management). Or other examples of your dedication to your community and environment through leisure, work or academic interests.
- Submit a completed application and 250 word (or less) essay along with any additional documents required by the Silvies Valley Ranch Scholarship Committee. All documents must be received at the Silvies Valley Ranch office by the due date specified above.
SVR Scholarship Application