“Heritage Beef” best describes our special line of beef. Developed from a mix of old lines of RedAngus cattle, they are smaller and better able to fatten naturally on grass, clover and wildflowers—instead of corn, alfalfa and grain which is the diet of today’s commercial cattle.
Like cattle of 50 years ago, our “heritage” cattle are bred to have a mature weight of less than 1200 pounds in order to yield tastier, smaller cuts and to be easier on the natural riparian meadows where they are raised.
"Naked Beef" is the appropriate term for our cattle because they don’t have any antibiotics, hormones, corn, alfalfa, grain, chemically treated or polluted water, or any other artificial additives covering up for poor genetics. They are lean and not covered in corn fats so they are "naked" — what you taste is purely natural!
Silvies Valley Ranch made development of an “American Range Goat” one of the highest priorities on the ranch in 2012. Rangeland and forest throughout the United States needs an animal that can economically harvest the brushy forage that proliferates without wildfire until it chokes out the grasses and other trees, and degrades the watershed. This brushy forage creates an environment where catastrophic fires can do irreparable harm to the ecosystem.
Organic, High Mountain Meadow Grasses, Clovers and Wildflowers. You find no chemicals, pollutants, herbicides or artificial fertilizers in Silvies’ Premium Performance Blend Hay.
Nestled high in the Blue Mountains of Eastern Oregon between the Strawberry and Ochoco ranges sits Silvies Valley. Millions of years ago, the valley was just a wide, rocky ravine, but literally hundreds of thousands of generations of beavers transformed it into a lush riparian meadow environment along the more than 20 miles of the meandering Silvies River on the ranch. At elevations all over 4,600 feet, the ranch’s cold summer nights makes the hay grow slowly with more protein and vitamins than ordinary grass hay, and its long cold winters (often -30°F) make the grasses and clover strong and virtually weed free. The ranch’s hay is essentially a health food for horses. Hand selected from over 6,000 acres of natural spring flood irrigated meadows; Premium Performance Blend is a limited selection of the very best mountain hay grown in the Silvies Valley — and probably the world. Available only by the truckload.